Frequently Asked Questions

What is CountdownMail?

CountdownMail provides an easy way to include countdown timers in your email campaigns. It's a great new way to enhance the look of your emails and engage your readers. The timer shows your recipients the exact amount of time left and thus eliminates the risk of anyone missing out due to ambiguous deadlines. Watching the timer tick down creates a sense of urgency for potential customers to act and leads to more conversions.

Who uses CountdownMail?

CountdownMail is used to send emails with deadlines. Retailers, event planners, you name it. Use CountdownMail to show how much time is left until the kickoff or end of a big sale, the release of a new product, the end of a ticket sale, or when RSVPs to your party are due.

How do I include a countdown timer in my emails?

Including a CountdownMail countdown timer is easy and done in two quick steps. Start by creating your custom timer using the timer builder. Choose a timer style, fonts, and colors that fit nicely with the rest of your email. Watch a preview of your timer as you design it. Finish off the timer by indicating an end date and time. Now, all that's left is to copy and paste the embed code of the timer you created into your email template. Sounds easy, right?
Create timer!

Are countdown timers customizable?

Absolutely! We offer several different timer styles, and you have the flexibility for your timer to include days or just show hours, minutes, and seconds. Choice in colors, fonts, and size is entirely up to you and fully customizable to fit the design of your email.

How do I remove the CountdownMail branding from my timers?

We only show our branding if you're on our free plan. If you don't want our branding to show, consider signing up for one of our premium plans starting at just $7!

What is a credit, and how many do I get?

Credits are used to keep track of your usage of CountdownMail. We charge credits for all downloads of a timer from our CDN servers. The number of credits you can use up each month depends on the plan you choose.

We charge credits for these common reasons:

  • opening/reopening email
  • load/reload the page with a countdown timer
  • usage of the WYSIWYG redactor or email template editors, which shows the countdown timer
  • etc.

Will you be able to handle my extensive email marketing campaign?

No worries needed! We've built a reliable infrastructure that is fully optimized and designed to handle large loads at once. Only in extreme cases, say 50 million subscribers or more, do we recommend giving us a heads up before sending out your campaign.

Why is my timer showing the wrong time on my iPhone?

Unfortunately, recipients on iOS 15 in Apple Mail see a countdown timer with an incorrect end time, even those who have deselected the "Protect Mail Activity" switch. Apple servers cache the timers, and they are not updated. To prevent the timer from showing up with the wrong time in Apple Mail on iOS 15, turn on the "Hide Timer in Apple Mail on iOS 15" switch. In this case, the timer will be replaced with a 1px transparent image for recipients on iOS 15 in Apple Mail.

How to change the timer languages based on the user data we have in our system?

You can add a GET parameter "language" to the image source. For example:

<img src="" alt="" />

How does CountdownMail deal with time zones?

One of the essential benefits of using CountdownMail is that you no longer worry about sending emails to people in different time zones. No calculations are needed on your side or by the person opening your email. All you have to do is indicate which time zone the timer should use, and we do all the math for you. The recipient sees how much time is left based on the end date and time in the time zone you select.

What happens to the countdown timers if we run out of credits?

After reaching the monthly credit quota in the Starting Up plan, the price per credit will be $ 0.00008. This amount will be added to your next month's bill automatically. If you switch to the free plan after your credits run out, we will add our branding to your timers. So, we never stopped your timers. But if you plan on using a lot more credits than your plan indicates, it makes sense to upgrade to a higher plan.

Countdown Timer Stuck in Looping! Is that a bug?

Our servers generate 60 frames of animation and send them to the user. When users receive it in their inbox, they'll see it loop for 60 seconds and reset. However, if they leave the email and return it, it will have adjusted to countdown again. The likelihood of a user watching it reset is very low.

How can I change my billing address?

To update your billing address, please contact Paddle support at Paddle handles our payment processing and billing management.

How do I close my account?

On your profile page, in the "Deleting an Account" section, click the "Begin Deleting" button.