How to add countdown timer in Campaign Monitor


Add a countdown timer using email builder.

  1. Choose a template right from within the email builder.
  2. Add text section, select the appropriate button from the left-hand toolbar and drag it to the section of your email template where you want to drop it in.
  3. Select the text section, click the right mouse button on the section, and choose the "Inspect Element" item in the pop-up menu.

  1. Find your element in devTools and click the right mouse button on the element and choose the "Edit as HTML" item in the pop-up menu.

  1. Paste your timer embed code into the text section at the desired place of your text block.
  2. After pasting, add the cm_dontimportimage attribute to your image tag will ensure that Campaign Monitor does not import the externally-hosted image from a path.

  1. Set font size to 8 and align the image to center for a better view