To add a countdown timer to your email using Brevo's drag-and-drop editor, follow these steps:
Step 1: Add an HTML Block
- Open the email template you want to add the countdown timer to in Brevo's drag-and-drop editor.
- On the left-hand toolbar, click on the 'HTML Block' button.
- Drag the HTML Block to the desired section of your email template and drop it in.

Step 2: Open the HTML Block Editor
- Click on the HTML Block you just added to open the editor.
- This will open a text section where you can add your countdown timer embed code.

Step 3: Add Your Countdown Timer Embed Code
- Paste your countdown timer embed code into the text section of the HTML Block.
- Once you have added your countdown timer embed code, click the 'Save' button to save your changes.

Step 4: Confirm Campaign Settings
- To ensure that countdown timers operate correctly in your email campaigns, check your Brevo campaign settings.
- Go to Campaigns > Settings > Default Settings.
- Confirm that the 'Hide Image URL' option is set to 'No'.
- This setting is important for countdown timers to function properly.

That's it! You have successfully added a countdown timer to your email using Brevo's drag-and-drop editor.